The Forum of Free Enterprise is a non-political organization founded in 1956 by A.D Shroff and was established to educate public opinion in India on free enterprise and a democratic way of life. The Forum publishes booklets to further its objects. The following booklet titled, “The Food Situation and the Common man ” was published in 1970 and was authored by Prof. B.R Shenoy. The author focused on the problem India was facing back then, the speedy increase in the national income. He further emphasized the several crises India was going through in the 1970s, namely the food situation, foreign exchange, stresses, and strains on the economy, tax proposals of the last budget plan. He stressed the requirements needed for a plan of development. Lastly, the booklet covered a list of conclusions, ranging from the prevailing rise in prices due to the over-investment of the second plan, the bulge in prices of food grains and their distribution. Further to this, the author contended that policy action schemes and credit measure schemes against stockpiling is not a solution for curbing the issue of price rise.