The Forum of Free Enterprise is a non-political organization founded in 1956 by A. D. Shroff and was established to educate public opinion in India on free enterprise and a democratic way of life. The Forum publishes booklets to further its objects. The following booklet titled, “India Requires Indicative Planning” was published on April 11, 1967 and was authored by Dharamsey M. Khatau. In this booklet, the author talks about the need for expressive planning in India. He then points out one of the important objects underlying our planning, i.e. a large expansion of employment opportunities. He reviews the last three Five Year Plans in the context of achievement in employment and asks the government to recognize the importance of rural development and facilitate the growth of an agro-industrial base. The author argues against the lop-sided development and any ideologically pre-conceived notions on the strategy of planning and in favour of a pragmatic approach which would rectify the basic deficiencies in the planning. In the end, he urges the Private Sector to adopt an enlightened approach to the problem of industry to develop a technologically mature society.