Never before in history, and nowhere else in the world today, has one-sixth of the human race existed as a single free nation.
Editorial Team
- अगस्त 3, 2022
In the name of socialism, we ignored individual enterprise and looked to the state to provide the impetus for growth and removal of poverty.
Editorial Team
- जुलाई 21, 2022
In order to attain a speedy development of the country's economy in all its aspects, every section of the community must play its own part
Editorial Team
- जुलाई 12, 2022
In my own mind, I have no doubt whatsoever that the free market economy is the key to all freedoms.
Editorial Team
- जुलाई 7, 2022
Murarji J. Vaidya's analysis of economic advancement under the Second Five-year Plan and what it meant for free enterprise.
Editorial Team
- जून 29, 2022
The free market method permits individuals to use their own money, skills and hardwork to back their own economic decisions in the market place.
Editorial Team
- जून 20, 2022
Risks cannot be averted with greater certainty than through planning for the free market under the banner of consumer sovereignty.
Editorial Team
- जून 15, 2022
Published by the Swatantra Party in 1963, the Swatantra Alternative to the Third Plan is a pamphlet comprising of MR Masani and Professor NG Ranga’s Lok Sabha’s speeches during the course of discussion on the mid-term appraisal of the Third Plan in the Parliament on December 5, 1963. In addition
Editorial Team
- जून 9, 2022
Swatantra Party Election Manifesto, 1967 did not only bring to the fore ineffective governance by the Congress in the previous decades, but also laid emphasis on “A New Government with a New Policy.” This new government with a new policy is what the Manifesto claimed to establish if the Swatantra
Editorial Team
- जून 9, 2022
Published by the Swatantra Party, Garibi Hatao: The Swatantra Way is a short essay written by Manubhai Amersey that sheds light on the failures of Indira Gandhi’s Garibi Hatao movement by looking at the different facets of poverty in India. The author spells out the Swatantra Way of addressing the
Editorial Team
- जून 9, 2022