So vitally important in any democratic society is this freedom of the people to choose that to deprive it of the freedom would be to drain away its very lifeblood.
The spirit of freedom is apt to suffer restraints from sources alien to the art itself. The interference may come from false notions of prudery and decency as well as from politics, race, community and language.
In a democracy the first thing to recognize is that the police are not mere enforcers alone. They are upholders of the law. There is a difference. Enforcement has the connotation of unquestionable authority.
Rajaji defines that “culture is not just character or morality. Character is the inside of a man. Culture is external rather than internal. Culture has more to do with behaviour and way of living than with character. Broadly speaking, culture is external though of course, it has much to do
Our system faces no theoretical dilemma but a single continuous problem how to apply to ever changing conditions the never changing principles of freedom
The freeing up of commodity exports is necessary to ensure fair treatment to producers of agricultural commodities. There is also a crying need to free agriculture from the shackles of subsidising urban consumption of agricultural commodities.