The following booklet is titled “Good Governance” was published on 20,Jan,2002 and was authored by Minoo R. Shroff and H.D Shourie. Part one of the booklet is named ‘Effective Governance of NGOs’. The text begins with a brief description of what the Non-Governmental Organisations tend to exhibit and what they stand for. Then the author moves on to describe what the cardinal factors for running a successful NGO are and who these factors depend on in the organisational structure. Then Minoo explains the responsibilities of the Chief Executive and possible obstacles in these responsibilities. The author also recognises that sound administration is one of the key factors in an NGO’s success. The next part of the booklet is named ‘Our Governmental System Must Improve’ by H.D Shourie, The author starts by acknowledging that the Indian community has made success come through in various areas but there still are weaknesses and inadequacies in the services to the people, their operations and accessibility. Shourie suggests measures that should be taken in several fields related to transfers- tenure assurance to the officers, grievance redressal for both the officers as well as the consumers, increasing accounts of accountability, transparency in sectors concerning services, over-staffing and trickling down corruption in all fields related to providing service. Moreover, Shourie suggests that technological advancement can lead to better services and a good rate of success in the said sector.