This website is maintained by the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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Jamshed Antia’s Views On Sales Tax
On whom does the burden of Sales Tax fall?
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Rukhmabai – An Unrelenting Force Against Patriarchal Norms
Rukhmabai’s contributions in the areas of medicine and social justice formed the foundation of the subsequent Indian feminist movements.
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Humanism, Science and Rationalism
What of the future of rationalism, or scientific humanism?
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The Three Meanings of Secularism
As a world-view secularism is no more than one member of a family of world-views.
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Dadabhai Naoroji: Social Reforms, Transnational Connections and Statistical Liberalism
In his decades-long career in Britain, Naoroji laboured relentlessly to popularise the Indian cause.
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The Principle of State Interference
No achievement in society-military power, scientific development, growth in the arts, etc is of any intrinsic value unless it issues from freedom and is assimilated in freedom by the individuals.
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Hamid Dalwai and the Muslim Satyashodhak Mandal
The Muslim Satyashodhak Mandal believed that the sanctimonious people from all major religions in India have escaped from accepting modern secularism in its truest sense and have resorted to a fraudulent term called ‘Sarvadharma samabhav’.
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A Viewpoint on Libertarian Society
Libertarianism, in other words, attempts to relate, at all times action to reality rather than imposing an institutional form upon ideas that can only at certain point and instance correspond to reality.
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GG Agarkar : Modern Indian Liberal and Reformer
The great Indian classic liberal that he was, Agarkar championed the cause of rationality and women emancipation in colonial Maharashtra.
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Satyagraha and the Political System
The technique of non-violent direct action (satyagraha) has not been examined with reference to its application to a political system that claims to rest on legitimacy.
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