One thing is clear, as indeed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations recognizes, and this is that Human Rights must be universally recognized and applied.
If the economic reforms exposed the Indian capitalists to outside competition, they also reduced the vulnerability of the capitalist vis-à-vis the union leaders.
There is reason to believe that ancient India was the cradle of tenets that form the core of modern day liberalism. Traditional Indian societies were generally pluralistic.
In what could be seen as the unfolding of high modernist ideology, Quest’s criticism took the form of rationalist railing against the religious objection to family planning.
The main problem facing mankind today is freedom versus totalitarianism. All other problems and issues are either subordinate to this problem or merge in it.
The party system has been so ingrained everywhere in the modern world where democracy prevails that an alternative way of electing and supervising leaders of government seems unthinkable.