This website is maintained by the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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Panchayati Raj
First, the education of the people, understood in the widest sense of the term, is an essential condition for the experiment's success.
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Constitution And The Common Man
Political freedom and civil liberty are the keystones of the Indian Constitution. Our constitution is primarily shaped and moulded for the common man.
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The Light of the Constitution
The Bill seeks to provide for the exigencies of the moment, forgetting that the Constitution is meant to endure through generations to come.
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The Indian Constitution And Judiciary
The Indian judges' commitment to the written Constitution is absolute and yet elastic to suit the varying needs of changing individuals, society, time and environment.
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The Individual and Indian Constitution
Any discussion of a constitution must necessarily take into consideration the various amendments which take place from time to time.
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Is Socialism Outdated?
Does our socialism primarily aim at filling empty stomachs with food, or at filling them with the satisfaction that their neighbours are no less hungry than they are?
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Making Indian Industry Globally Competitive
Liberty without accountability is the freedom of the fool. Our concept of freedom will remain an impoverished one, until it is rounded and deepened by liberal education.
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Nani Palkhivala: The Task Before A Free People
In a poor country like India, there can never be social justice without economic growth. We have countless chances for development.
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Economic Reforms In India: Where Are We And Where Do We Go?
Further acceleration in economic growth and reduction of poverty will need greater investment and employment growth along with enhancement of productivity.
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Nani Palkhivala: Education, Leadership, and Vision of Free India
I am using the word "education" in its profound sense. Animals can be trained; only human beings can be educated.
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