This website is maintained by the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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Is proper on the part of the State just because it feels that it can improve its financial resources, to take over any existing well-conducted private enterprise?
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Globalisation and The Poor
Globalisation is not increasing poverty, but in fact an efficient way of reducing human poverty.
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Our Economic Future
The economic development of the country must be a continuous process.
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For Absolute Freedom of Expression
Is it possible to have freedom of expression which is not absolute? The answer is a big 'no.' Freedom of expression ought to be absolute - or it is no freedom at all. 
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Freedom First’s Resistance to Indira Gandhi’s Emergency
Masani clearly saw the Emergency’s threat to liberal democracy and opposed different manifestations of the threat.
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V S Srinivasa Sastri: Diplomat, Politician, Liberal
Sastri asserted, “We want political power; let there be no mistake about it. We want the right to rule ourselves.”
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