The Forum of Free Enterprise is a non-political organization founded in 1956 by A. D. Shroff, and has been established to educate public opinion in India on free enterprise and a democratic way of life. The Forum publishes booklets to further its objects. The following booklet titled ‘A look at the Bombay Plan in the light of Today’ authored by H.V.R. Iengar and published in 1968. The author talks about the limited freedom of speech given to the business community and Congress’s lack of tolerance for criticism. He further speaks about the economic development plan of 1944 (Bombay plan) prepared by J.R.D. Tata, G.D.Birla, and other prominent businessmen. The plan suggests doubling per capita income in 15 years, development of basic industries, free enterprise of Indian economy, decentralized ownership of means of production, minimum price for agricultural community, and a degree of State control over industries. He points out the similarities between the Bombay plan and the five year plans. He quotes the manifesto of the Forum of Free Enterprise and explains the difference between Bombay Plan and the manifesto. The author recommends increase in production and utilisation of capital and management talent.