The fortnightly journal titled Indian Libertarian was founded in 1954 by Indian liberal, Ranchhoddas Bhuvan Lotwala, and edited by his daughter Kusum R Lotwala. The second August ’72 edition was published amid the 25th anniversary of the day India attained independence. A. Ranganathan in, “Twenty-five years of freedom,” highlighted the survival of democracy and the saddening state of the economic condition of India in the early 70s. M.N Tholal in the article, “The Chambal valley miracle,” focused on the issue of putting an end to the institution of dacoity in the state of MP. The article titled, “Peace under duress,” emphasized the ordeal in relation to the Indo-Pak agreement. K.Kumara Shekhar in, “Silver Jubilee of Independence,” stressed how Indians finally came to understand the true meaning of independence. S.R Mohan Das in the article, “Bonus-an anarchic compensation method,” provided an overview of the corrupted practice of an ad hoc structured industrial system. The article by R.S Nigam titled, “British entry into EEC,” administered the probability of commercial relations with the community on the determination of generalized schemes preferences. K.Kumara Sekhar in, “Only action: little thought,” focused on the junctures during the time of Indira Gandhi’s prime ministership. M.Ruthnaswamy contended for the promotion of scientific research and spirit amongst Indians in his article titled, “Scientific research and rural reconstruction.” The concluding article by John A. Sparks titled, “Monopolist, can he charge anything he wants?” covered various economic subjects pertaining to competition and demand elasticity.