This website is maintained by the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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Free Enterprise and Freedom
Economic growth means not only more production but also more - and increasingly more - capacity to produce.
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Iqbalunnisa Hussain: A Stalwart of Muslim Women’s Education
The act of writing and publishing a critique of  patriarchy, entirely in English, was a giant act of rebellion on Iqbalunnisa Hussain’s part
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Censorship and the Law of Inexorability
Creative freedom will remain constrained and restrained till the individual is deprived of the right to express himself without restrictions, reasonable or otherwise
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If you can't say what you want to say, it is democratic form without substance. The principle worth imbibing is: give me freedom or give me death.
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India’s Nuclear Ambitions: Minoo Masani as a Liberal Peacenik
Masani valued butter in the classic guns versus butter debate as it corresponded to India’s nuclear policy under the PM Lal Bahadur Shastri.
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