This website is maintained by the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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The Radical Humanism of Jyotiba Phule
In his struggle against the caste system, Jyotiba Phule’s innovation lay in overturning the ideological foundation of what he called Brahmanical order.
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B.R. Shenoy on Economic Growth with Social Justice
The sovereignty of the consumer, on which hinges rapid economic growth with social justice, and the sovereignty of the voter, the foundation of all democratic institutions, are but different aspects of a free citizen.
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Rajaji’s Views on Nuclear Bomb
Rajaji’s intellectual activism for a world safe from the menace of nuclear weapons stemmed from the conservative concern for stable order and was guided by a belief in the efficacy of Gandhian civil resistance to power.
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The Education of the Electorate
The characteristics of the electorate everywhere determines the quality of democracy and Its actual influence on affairs beneficial or otherwise.
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The Swatantra Economy : Obstacles and Challenges
Liberalisation might cause pain in the short run but it will bring immense benefits in the long run. It has been done in so many Asian countries, which until recently were as poor and undeveloped as we are.
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G.G. Agarkar : Revisiting a Misunderstood Legacy
Agarkar’s commentaries may be carrying a tinge of the 'enlightened despotism' that was the characteristic of philosophical radicals, but his works are still very useful to understand his diligence to expose common people to liberal-individualistic ideas.
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Democracy and Liberalism : Contrasting Ideals
The goal must be individual liberty under the rule of law – which demands that the government be placed under legal restraints which it cannot alter.
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Women and Liberalism : The Life of Begum Rokeya
Her life was itself her message and although she never focussed on defining herself within an ideological spectrum, most of her life struggles were indeed integral aspects of the liberal tradition.
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Homi Mody’s Liberalism: From Pro-Business to Pro-Market
For Homi Mody, excessive regulation and increased outlays on planning posed a threat to economic freedom inherent in a democracy.
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The Essence of Democracy
So vitally important in any democratic society is this freedom of the people to choose that to deprive it of the freedom would be to drain away its very lifeblood.
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